Liquid whole egg with sugar

Liquid whole egg with sugar is a product we prepare for our customers to relieve them of one step in the process. Adding sugar also gives the whole egg a longer shelf life. Depending on the percentage of sugar we are required to add, this can be extended to 4 weeks.

Liquid whole egg with sugar is produced exclusively from the freshest eggs. These eggs are sourced from farms in the area and are therefore easily and quickly traceable.

1,000-litre stainless steel container, 1,000-litre pallecon (Combo Excelsior),
25,000 litres Bulk with tanker truck.

Storage and transport conditions:
Storage and transport between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius.

Shelf life:
Between 2 and 6 weeks when stored and transported between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius.
Depending on the amount of sugar added.

Liquid whole egg with sugar
Click the chick to download the specification Cage Barn Free range Biological
Click the chick to download the specification
Contact Wulms Egg Group 1