Liquid egg yolk with sugar is a true ice cream flavour enhancer. Customers often choose to have sugar mixed into the egg yolk mixture beforehand. In our case, the sugar is pasteurised along with the egg yolk. This way, the customer ultimately does not have to add any sugar to the product.
Liquid egg yolk with sugar is produced only from the freshest eggs. These eggs are sourced from farms in the area and are therefore easily and quickly traceable.
1,000-litre stainless steel container, 1,000-litre pallecon (Combo Excelsior),
25,000 litres Bulk with tanker truck.
Storage and transport conditions:
Storage and transport between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life:
Maximum 10 days when stored between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius in unopened packaging.